Petrozavodsk Solid Waste Management

Household waste in Petrozavodsk is collected in old rusty metal bins, many of which have no lids. Waste is not sorted except for cardboard and fluorescent lamps, which are collected separately and wood, which is separated at the landfill for utilization of energy. Refundable bottles and cans are collected sporadically.

The city’s landfill covers a total area of 36 hectares and is situated 6 kilometers from the shores of Lake Onega. It is reached by a 12 kilometer access road which is badly deteriorated and sits on an old network of drainage ditches surrounded by forest. The landfill is not covered with impermeable material and thus open to precipitation.

Project Description

The City Administration is committed to modernise the waste management system, increase waste recycling and source separation and upgrade the final disposal of waste at the landfill.

Environmental Benefits

  • The project has cross-border environmental effects (air and water) and will contribute towards achieving compliance with the relevant Russian and EU environmental standards. The emissions to the aquatic environment will improve local water quality (the small river flowing to the Lake Onega) as well as, in the long run, to the condition of the Gulf of Finland. The project thus supports the achievement of HELCOM BSAP (Baltic Sea Action Plan) objectives.
  • The improved waste sorting, partly coverage of the landfill and collection of methane will result in the reduction of 228 000 м3 of waste per annum and 9 000 tonnes CO2 reductions per annum.

At a glance

Agricultural and solid waste management
Статуса проекта:
In preparation


Государственные средства

  • Local Contribution
  • €1,500,000

Кредиты МФО

  • €3,000,000

Грант ЭПСИ

  • €1,500,000

Прочие гранты

  • FMoE
  • €500,000
  • Итого
  • €6,500,000


  • Amund Beitnes
  • Fabianinkatu 34
    00170 Helsinki
  • Тел. (телефон): +358 10618003
  • Эл. Почта: