Brest Wastewater Treatment Rehabilitation

The treatment plant in Brest discharges its wastewater into the Zapadny Bug River in the catchment area of the Baltic Sea. Due to inefficient treatment processes at the plant Brest is on the HELCOM list of hot spots that has an adverse effect on the ecology of the Baltic Sea and neighbouring countries.

Project Description

The priority investment programme for Brest Vodokanal includes the following main features:

  1. Construction of a new preliminary treatment unit (screening and grit removal);
  2. construction of a new chemical dosing station;
  3. construction of two new aeration tanks ( total volume 15,000 m3);
  4. construction of two new secondary sedimentation tanks;
  5. reconstruction of existing three aeration tanks;
  6. reconstruction of existing six secondary sedimentation tanks;
  7. construction of a new return sludge pumping station;
  8. reconstruction of existing six primary sedimentation tanks;
  9. technical assistance component to support project implementation;
  10. ongoing investments into water supply and sewerage.

Environmental Benefits

  • After completion of the project the treatment process can be operated fulfilling the HELCOM recommendations regarding BOD and nitrogen removal.
  • The total phosphorus load reductions to the River Zapadny Bug will be 217 t/a. This represents person equivalency (PE) of approximately 297,000 PE. The total nitrogen load reduction will be 921 t/a representing approximately 210,000 PE.
  • Energy efficiency: The energy consumption will be reduced in aeration but due to enhanced nutrient removal and totally new sludge dewatering the overall energy consumption will slightly increase.

  Updated November 2013

At a glance

Water and waste treatment
Brest Vodokanal
Grant agreement signed:
Project status:
Implementing IFI:


National Funds

  • Local budget
  • €3,000,000

IFI Loans

  • World Bank
  • €1,500,000
  • NIB
  • €10,000,000

NDEP Grant

  • €2,000,000

Other Grants

  • Finnish/ Swedish TC
  • €1,500,000
  • EU
  • €400,000
  • Total
  • €18,400,000


  • Kersti Talving
  • NIB
  • PO Box 249
    00170 Helsinki
  • Tel: +358 106180245
  • Email: